***IMU Email Activation
Dear all,
Please ensure that your IMU email address is activated.
All end of semester examination results will be sent to students' IMU email address. We will no longer send results to student's personal email address.
Please get assistance from the IMU Helpdesk if you have any problems with the activation of email address.
To activate the IMU email address, do as follows:
Go to
On the Main Menu, click on "ITS Guide - Getting Started" then click on "Email". The page provides full guide on how to start and use IMU email add.
It is quite detailed and informative so please do have a look at it.
Warmest regards,
Zia Shah
Student Representative Council
International Medical University
Academic Questionnaire***
In effort to highlight academic issues in the Medical faculty during the upcoming Academic Meeting in November, we would like your feedback regarding the curriculum. We would like to thank you in advance for taking your time to fill this questionnaire. ☺
Please click here to take survey
Rugby Club T-shirt
Below are designs for the new rugby club t shirt that we will be selling. It will be a dri-fit shirt and will cost RM25. Please reply by next Wednesday for orders. You can either e mail this e mail address with your name, batch and size or sms the details to me (Noel) at 0168696126.

Public Talk on Back Pain
Back pain is a very common condition that affects more than 80% of all people at some time in their lives. The pain can be so severe that it becomes disabling and is one of the most common reasons people have to miss work due to illness. A recent survey carried out in Malaysia showed that about 12% of the people had low back pain at one point in time.
The back can be injured during falls, sports injuries, and heavy lifting, although sometimes the pain seems to appear for no reason. Another very common reason for back pain is pregnancy. In some cases the pain may go away after a few weeks, but it sometimes lasts for months and even years. In fact, some people never recover from their back pain.
The Klang Valley area is very fortunate because an internationally renowned author and lecturer on back pain, Associate Professor Phillip Ebrall, Head of Chiropractic at RMIT University in Melbourne Australia, will be at the International Medical University (IMU) this Sunday (1 November) to give a talk on the causes, treatments, and prevention of back pain. This workshop is designed to be of interest to health care professionals, as well as the general public. Atextbook written by Dr Ebrall on the examination of the spine (entitled Assessment of the Spine) that is used in the training of chiropractic doctors around the world.
Another internationally renowned lecturer on chiropractic, Associate Professor George Lebeau, will also give a demonstration of the analysis and correction of back problems. Dr Le Beau is widely known for his involvement in the treatment of amateur and professional athletes, including the U.S. Olympic Judo team.
Chiropractors are trained as back-care experts who can determine the cause of the pain, provide effective treatment, and make referrals to appropriate specialists when necessary. Professor Michael Haneline, IMU Head of Chiropractic, will describe what chiropractic is and how chiropractors can help people with back pain.
In conjunction with this workshop that is open to the general public, the IMU Chiropractic Programme will host a seminar on how disorders of the neck can cause of dizziness. This special seminar will be attended by chiropractors from Hong Kong, Australia, Indonesia, Singapore, as well as Malaysia.
We anticipate this event to be very popular, so please reserve your spot early.

Student Representative Council
International Medical University
Flavours of Malaysia!
Flavors of Malaysia, so named for being a festival to celebrate the rich culinary culture and tradition of Malaysia, is ME1/08’s Malaysian Studies final project.

E-Assessment (Moodle)
Dear all,
The title for next Wednesday's learning session is E-Assessment (Moodle) scheduled for 7th October 2009, 12.15 -1.15pm and is opened to all faculty and students.
In this 1-hour learning session, you will explore how to efficiently set-up and construct quizzes in IMU Learning Portal (Moodle).
You will also learn how to create quizzes efficiently using Notepad (offline) and reusing questions from Moodle's question bank.
As its on a first come basis, please register early to ensure a place in the learning session. If you miss a session, visit the E-Learning Innovation Centre in to find the appropriate presentations and learning resources.
Please note that no food will be provided for this short session.
If you would like to come for this please register with SRC by Monday, 2nd of November by emailing!
Thank you.
Warmest regards,
Zia Shah
President SRC BJ 09/10
Student Representative Council
International Medical University
Small Reminder!
Dear all,
Please remember that after completing your activities/events you must dismantle all deco immediately after the event, otherwise it disrupts lectures and causes distress to both lecturers and students.
Warmest regards,
Zia Shah
Student Representative Council
International Medical University
Rugby Training
There is rugby training on Wednesday and Thursday. Meet at atrium at 445. We are leaving at 5 sharp. Bring boots as we're driving to a nearby field.
Hi all,
Hope you're doing well :) Announcements this week, please post them on your blogs yeah. Thanks!
Partner Medical Schools
It is with much regret that we are unable to release updates on PMS awaiting approval. However, information of latest list of PMS and their fees are on I drive under Elective&Matching. Please refer to the latest batch going through matching exercise (M2/07 currently). The file is also available for download here:
Halloween Night

Ready for a good scare on the 30th of October? You'll be pleasantly surprised by the games and competitions that we have in store for you :
1. Bobbing the apples
2. Pumpkin bowling
3. Eye ball popping
1. Halloween baking competition
Cookies or cakes – as long as it tastes great! We’ll be judging on the taste of the pastries as well as the presentation. Remember, a good scare begins with a full tummy.
2. Best costume
Contestants will be shortlisted throughout the night and will have a catwalk session to parade their costumes. The winner will be selected based on the crowd’s response.
3. Halloween Idol
The story telling competition as well as the singing competition falls under this event. The person with the scariest short story coupled with the best presentation style will be crowned the winner. As for the singing competition, strong vocal cords are only part of the judging criteria. Make sure the song is in line with our Halloween theme and you shall be crowned this year’s Halloween Idol.
4. Best villain laughter competition
Throughout the night, we will be shortlisting villains in IMU. These people will be doing a villainy laughter and the best laughter will win a prize. Easy enough,right?
So what are you waiting for? Come sign up for the competitions with the SRC today or get warmed up for the games that await you! We shall see you there!
Tickets can be purchased from any of the Vice Presidents (Jodie, Wee Kiat, Iris, Sathiyan, Jin Lin) for only RM12!
That's all for now! :)
Warmest regards,
Student Representative Council
International Medical University
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