Wednesday, December 29, 2010

IELTS - Minimum Requirement

I've been informed by SSD, that there seems to be a slight confusion about the minimum requirement for IELTS. Please take note, the minimum score for PMS is OVERALL SCORE: 7. This is irrespective of the individual scores.

Thank You
Happy New Year!


Thursday, December 23, 2010

CSU Session

I just received an SMS from Mr. Alex today concerning the CSU session:-

"I need you to inform your batchmates about the communications skills sessions at CSU. Please ask them to read material in I:\MEDICAL PROGRAMME\Sem 4 Rotation. They need it to prepare for the video sessions. Call me if you have questions."

Do take note! :-)


Monday, December 20, 2010

IMU Valentine's Day

Title: Secret Valentine FINALLY UP & RUNNING WILD!!!

LOVE is everywhere! SHOW IT! BLAST YOUR LOVE!!!

Time to let your mind do some work for your precious friends!!!

If you have just started school, it's time to give your friends a surprise!

If you have exams, you have something to look forward to after your exam, do something for your friends!

If you are on holidays, the MORE YOU SHOULD NOMINATE YOUR FRIENDS starting today:

Category A- BEST boyfriend (only for singles)

Category B- BEST girlfriend (only for singles)

Category C- MOST compatible couple

Category D- MOST compatible POTENTIAL couple

Note: The above 4 categories apply only to IMU students.

How to nominate? Email your friends' names & photos to

Fear not! As all informations will be kept confidential and the list of nominees will only be announced after the dead line.

We have also reserved Category E for our lecturers. Do let us know as well who's the most caring lecturer that you'd like to include for this run!

Category E- MOST caring lecturer

For more details, pls visit:

Or just click on "Secret Valentine" label on the top horizontal menu bar of any SRC blog page!!!

Student Representative Council
International Medical University

FAQ: Rotations/GP Posting

Hello M109 batchmates!

Most of you have returned to your hometowns already, so hope you are enjoying quality time back home. :-) Many of you have asked me several questions concerning rotations and GP posting, so I decided to write a post to answer your FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions).

1. Transport & Timing for Rotations

- Transport is provided and all bus schedules are already up on the Idrive in the rotations folder.
- Times you have to be there follows the bus schedules. Detailed schedule will be given at the hospital.

- Transport is not provided. However, you can drive or take a train/taxi.
- Time you have to be there (still yet to confirm with CSU sisters), but 8AM is a safe bet. Anyways, don't really think they can penalize you for being late on the first day... but don't take my word for it. :-)

2. What is the incentive for the GP doctors?

- The incentive is RM100 per head they take in. So yes, the money will be settled later on - but you can tell them this so that they are more willing to take you under their wings.

3. When do we get our GP posting letters from AAD?

- The answer is..NOW. The letters for those who have already handed in their GP posting form prior to this are waiting in AAD for you to collect. Just go pay Miss Rozlin a visit and she will be more than happy to hand it to you. It is this very letter that tells the GP that they will be paid incentive, so don't lose it and most importantly DON'T OPEN it.

Hope it helps, any more questions feel free to approach me via SMS, FB, batch email or if you randomly see me walking around.

Cheers! :-)


Sunday, December 19, 2010

Post-Selective Timetable

Dear M109,

I understand with 7 groups all with different timetables after selectives, things can become a bit messy. Well, for those who don't know - Idrive is finally back up and running (thankfully). So you can find your rotations timetable here:

Location: /NetStorage/DriveI@CALLAB/TIMETABLE & NOTICES/MEDICAL SCIENCES/SEMESTER 4/M109/4. Rotation Posting

But, for some reason I can't seem to located the actual timetable for CM, CSU and LAB on the Idrive anymore. I will check that out with Miss Yati this coming Monday but in the meantime fortunately I copied it before it went "missing". I uploaded it so you can find it at the respective links below:

1. CM
2. CSU
3. Lab

Hope it helps!


Friday, December 17, 2010

KKB Rotations

Attention to all of you who will be going to KKB for this round of rotations:

In addition to all the normal things you have to bring for rotations, also

Bring: Laptop & Pendrive (to the hospital every day)

- Dr. Subra



Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Summative Results

The time you all have been waiting for is finally here.
The summative results for semester 4 are to be released today at 4PM.

All the best. :-)


Friday, December 3, 2010

Inter-Medical School Clinical Anatomy Workshop 2010

AMSA IMU is proud to bring you an Inter-Medical School Clinical Anatomy Workshop 2010 which will be attended by Dr. Nilesh and officiated by our Dean, Professor John Paul Judson. It will be held on a Saturday, 11 Dec 2010 starting from 8am onwards. The programme as such is to provide various triggers on anatomy and clinical settings which will be given to various groups and these groups will prepare and present the cases on 11 Dec 2010. There will be a quiz after that and whoever gets the most answers will receive a prize. In this workshop, you can sign up for 3 different groups, mainly as a spectator, a presenter or to take part of the quiz (you can be in more than 1 group). The fee is RM20 which includes lunch, a cert and souvenirs. Get your form from either Chia Yew, Karmen or Melody.


Interested or more details, please contact:
1. Kong Chia Yew M209 - 016 353 3321/
2. Karmen Long M109 -
3. Melody Wong M109 -

p.s. if you are signing up to present, it is 5-8 people per group. please send a list of your group together with your form.

Thank you.

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

NHSD Tournament

National Health Science Debate

One of the biggest debate tournaments of the year is finally around. And with such a large scale project being organized by the IMU Debate society we need as many workers as possible. So if you are looking for a part-time job for 3 days - this might be something that interests you! The details are below:

Date: January 15-17th, 2011
Time: Morning - Evening (exact time confirmed later)
Incentives: Pay (~RM60, exact amount confirmed later), NHSD T-shirt, 3D Free Food, certificate)

Please let all your friends know and help spread the word. If interested, please send your full name, email and contact number to

Any queries, approach:


GP Posting - Deadline

Hello guys!

News from AAD, if you haven't already heard is that the GP Posting deadline has been extended to the 10th of DECEMBER 2010.

And also for those having trouble looking for a GP clinic to do their attachment at - you can try getting the list of willing GP Clinics from me. The easiest way would be to email me a request to so i can forward the file to you. :D

Lastly, those that require the softcopy of the GP Posting letter do not hesitate to send a request via email to and I will send it to you ASAP.



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