have coming ahead of us next week for everyone's convenience -
so if you haven't already please do take note.
1) Principles of Hypersensitivity
2) Wellness Assessment Replacement
Open to any sem 2 student who had missed their previous
Wellness Assessment session.
3) Wellness Assessment Sessions for M209 Juniors - Volunteers
A special thanks to those who showed up for Wednesday's session. There
are three more sessions coming up, so for those interested please take note
during announcements so that you can come and help out. Also, for those
that have went and didn't register with me please do so ASAP, because I was
told that a small recommendation letter may be given to those who had volunteered
their time. (:
4) MUET Workshop
There will be a MUET Workshop on the 24th of October and the closing date for the registration and payment is the 15th of October. I will get back with you all on the payment later. However, I need a list of students' names, batch and contact details as soon as possible. They can register first and pay later.
Student Representative Council
International Medical University
5) IMU Learning Portal
Dear All,
The Centre for Medical Education (CtME), with the assistance of the Learning Resources Dept, has scheduled a continuing series of lunchtime educational sessions in support of advancing e-learning and use of digital resources at IMU. The venue will be E-Lab 1, Level 3, Bukit Jalil.
The title for next Wednesday's learning session is E-Assessment (Moodle) scheduled for
7th October 2009, 12.15 -1.15pm and is opened to all faculty and students.
In this 1-hour learning session, you will explore how to efficiently set-up and construct quizzes in IMU Learning Portal (Moodle). You will also learn how to create quizzes efficiently using Notepad (offline) and reusing questions from Moodle's question bank.
As its on a first come basis, please register early to ensure a place in the learning session. If you miss a session, visit the E-Learning Innovation Centre in http://www.elearning.imu.edu.my to find the appropriate presentations and learning resources.
Please note that no food will be provided for this short session.
Thank you.
for CtME and Learning Resources Department
--The Centre for Medical Education (CtME), with the assistance of the Learning Resources Dept, has scheduled a continuing series of lunchtime educational sessions in support of advancing e-learning and use of digital resources at IMU. The venue will be E-Lab 1, Level 3, Bukit Jalil.
The title for next Wednesday's learning session is E-Assessment (Moodle) scheduled for
7th October 2009, 12.15 -1.15pm and is opened to all faculty and students.
In this 1-hour learning session, you will explore how to efficiently set-up and construct quizzes in IMU Learning Portal (Moodle). You will also learn how to create quizzes efficiently using Notepad (offline) and reusing questions from Moodle's question bank.
As its on a first come basis, please register early to ensure a place in the learning session. If you miss a session, visit the E-Learning Innovation Centre in http://www.elearning.imu.edu.my to find the appropriate presentations and learning resources.
Please note that no food will be provided for this short session.
Thank you.
for CtME and Learning Resources Department
Student Representative Council
International Medical University
6) It Begins With YOU
Dear All,
For the past few years, the CrusAIDSers Club (with the support of Merck Sharp & Dohme) has participated in a program entitled "It begins with YOU". This program, initially, involved the medical students of IMU and UPM but has expanded to include medical students from UM.
The program aims to educate medical students - the doctors of tomorrow - on all aspects of HIV / AIDS through various activities, training and competitions.
This year, the CrusAIDSers Club has organised an HIV Awareness Talk on the :
Date: 2nd October 2009, Friday.
Time: 12.45 - 2.30 pm
Venue: Senate Room, IMU
On behalf of the club, I wish to invite you to this event. The program is as follows :
12.30 pm - Registration
1.00 pm - Current state of treatment of HIV/AIDS by Malaysian Society of HIV Med
( MaSHM )
1.20 pm - Social Implications of HIV and AIDS by Malaysian AIDS Council - ( MAC )
1.40 pm - Community Perspective by People living with HIV/AIDS - ( PLHIV )
2.00 pm - Q&A by Panel Speakers
- Refreshments provided -
Your presence is very much anticipated.
Many Thanks
Student Representative Council
International Medical University
7) Missing Hand Sanitizers
Dear All,
Inspite of gluing the alcohol rub hand sanithizer dispensers to its holder, 30 bottles disappeared in the month of September. Please do not hesitate to confront anyone (except admin staff) seen to be carrying these dispensers.
Inspite of gluing the alcohol rub hand sanithizer dispensers to its holder, 30 bottles disappeared in the month of September. Please do not hesitate to confront anyone (except admin staff) seen to be carrying these dispensers.
Student Representative Council
International Medical University
8) The Malaysian Entrepreneur
Dear All,
--We are running The Malaysian Entrepreneur Challenge, MEC 2009 for the 2nd year. An event that will get more individuals to be trained, exposed and take up different challenges during the 3 days 20 to 22 Nov. 2009. Please check our event last year as well at
We are targeting a few hundred new entrepreneurs, and entrepreneur wannabe for this workshop cum challenge event.
More details : http://www.thechallenge.com.my/mec2009/thechallenge.html
Challenges Are Open To All : Universities Vs Executives
There are 2 Types of Challenges :-
1. Video Commercial Challenge (Individual & Group)
2. Entreprenerial Challenge on 21 & 22 Nov 2009 (Group)
Winning Rewards
# Challenge Trophy & Medal
# Scholarship for Marketing Program worth RM 7,800 each
# 5D/4N Holiday Stay Voucher at Bali/Phuket/Pattaya for Two Worth RM 2,500 Each
# Other Upcoming Sponsored Prizes
# Certificate of Achievement
# Challenge Trophy & Medal
# Scholarship for Marketing Program worth RM 7,800 each
# 5D/4N Holiday Stay Voucher at Bali/Phuket/Pattaya for Two Worth RM 2,500 Each
# Other Upcoming Sponsored Prizes
# Certificate of Achievement
Log On To The Website To View The Entire Challenge Plan, Testimonials, Videos, and More.....
We Need You To Take Up Challenges & Have FUN !!
Kenneth Tai
Project Director012...
Student Representative Council
International Medical University
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