1. Hospital Electives Letter
Just to clarify, by getting this support letter from IMU - it does not confirm in any way that you are 100% going to the hospital you are applying for. The letter is issued on behalf of AAD as a support letter as proof that you are a medical student at IMU and should be used for your application procedures for your respective hospital, which you have chosen to do you electives at. The letters are ready and with me, but please read through this before approaching me. I noticed that AAD has actually grouped several students' names in one letter for some of the letters because of the same choice of hospitals. In some cases, this is intentional because you applied in a group - now for those that applied in groups please send one rep to come see me and obtain your letter. Also, I am aware that many letters are missing. If your letter is missing or has any incorrect information whatsoever, please email your FULL NAME and HOSPITAL OF CHOICE to medt109@gmail.com. I am compiling a list and will give the list of letter re-prints to AAD on MONDAY 12th APRIL 2010. For those that are returning home tomorrow and want the letter sooner and cannot wait till Monday, please sms me. I will be around uni from 12-1PM - so i can hand it to you then.
2. FRIDAY 9th APRIL 2010 Q&A Session
As Dr. Sri Kumar has already completed his session at Q&A today, as of now we have no confirmation of any lecturer who will be coming for that session. I will only receive confirmation in the morning from Miss Imelda about any possible lecturer coming during that time slot. The Q&A session is actually put in our timetable for our own benefit, so for future purposes - if you feel like you want to request any particular lecturer to come to clarify any particular topic do feel free to send the request to medt109@gmail.com and either Diana or myself will go and set up an appointment with the lecturer so that you all can benefit. (:
3. GI Timetables
I have already handed out the new GI timetables out earlier today. But for those who do not have it, please go to AAD call ext. 2205 for Miss Imelda - she has confirmed with me she is willing to print out extra for those who do not have. So yes, if you want to save 3 pages then by all means know that this is an option. After all, what is the point of paying all that money to IMU right? :P
4. Hemato. Lab FLMs
After going to Hemato. Lab today, I thought it would be helpful to post up pictures from the microscope (3) and FLMs up here on the batch blog for every1's convenience. I asked Dr. Vijay Singh and he said that most definitely this kind of material can come out during OSPE. So yes, if you encounter any trouble downloading do let me know and perhaps I can email it to you or hand it to you via pendrive. Other than that, I would like to take this opportunity to emphasize that we are MEDT109, we are ONE batch and ONE family so yes if you have any material that you think would be helpful academically please feel free to contact me and we can figure out someway to put it on the batch blog for every1's learning pleasure! I do apologize if any of the quality is lower than expected - it's the best i can do with my 3.2 MP phone, but i welcome anyone who took the pictures in a higher quality.
(just added another 3 FLM pics which were not at my patho lab session)
All credit for the 3 new pics goes to Melissa Ng. (:
5. Batch Blog
I have been thinking of updating the look of our batch blog for a while now. I am now looking for any1 that is either good with HTML/Blog templates, or even those with ideas and are just wanting to give a hand in the revamp of our batch blog. This batch blog is an important place where updates pertaining to our batch is readily displayed and right now i am aiming for a new layout and a new batch logo/banner to but as the header of the blog. Anyone with any ideas or suggestions to further improve the blog please send them to MEDT109@gmail.com - i would be more than delighted to hear all suggestions. :) And for those interested in helping out, do let me know.
6. Hellen Keller Society - Speech Competition
HK Society is bringing to your the next event spanning the entire week ahead of us, entitled:
W.A.V.E.S. (2010)
Below are the events planned:-

Day 1
Opening Ceremony of WAVES 2010
Foot Massage by the Blind
Food, T-shirts and badge sales
Day 2
Spelling Bee Competition
Food, T-shirts and badge sale
Day 3
Movie Show – The Miracle Worker
Day 4
Speech Competition
Below are the details for those that are interested in taking part in the speech competition.
Title: "See, Listen, Speak With Your Heart"
Date: 19th - 22nd April 2010 **Updated date!!!**
Time: 12.30-2.30PM
Venue: Atrium
If you are interested please SMS me and let me know by APRIL 9th 2010, 6PM. :)
I want to help to "beautify" the blog !!!!