Dear all,
It is that time of the year again! We as a council are about to step down and are looking for our successors: SRC 10/11!
It's your council, your voice, your vote!
The timeline of events is as such:
25th Feb to 12th March: Application for posts (Application forms are available in the office and at the SRC board in the atrium)Who can run?
15th to 26 March: Apprenticeship and Campaigning
30th to 31st March: Hustings
5th to 7th April: Voting
MP109, BP107, BP108, BP109, M109, M209, DT108, DT109, N108, N109, PS109, MB109, BM109.
Apart from the positions of Vice-President (for which only the relevant programmes can run), all other positions are open to all programmes, including President.
Warmest regards,
Zia Shah
Student Representative Council
International Medical University
“Dare to take the challenge?”
An outdoor treasure hunt with checkpoints at various places around KL
Date : 27 march 2010, Saturday
Time : 8am-4pm
Fee : RM 25 only! (for t-shirt, food, cd and certificate)
2 persons of the same gender per group
Come enjoy the craze with us!
To get the registration form, please contact :
0133009187 (Najwa M208)
0197203429 (Farah Nadzirah M208).
Registration is open NOW until 8 March 2010. Hurry!
Interesting prizes to be won! Just for you =D
1st : trip to Langkawi for two + RM208
2nd : trip to Genting Highlands for two
3rd : Sunway Lagoon tickets for two
4th&5th : Hampers
Winning certificates for all winners and participation certificates for all participants.
Brought to you by MSoc, in collaboration with SRC and SAD.
1) All teams must consist of 2 members per team (in a pair of same gender)
2) Only public transportation (train and bus only; taxi is not allowed) or on foot can be used for the participants to move from one check point to another. The participants need to use their own money for transport expenses. Any team caught using their own transports will be immediately disqualified.
3) Both members of each team must be present at the checkpoint, or else the team would not be allowed to carry on with the task or proceed to the next check point.
4) During the race, participants must ensure their own safety (by wearing long pants) as well as the safety of the public. Participants are prohibited from involving in any act that might provoke or insult or endanger the public.
5) Participants are prohibited from littering, polluting or damaging the environment of the check points and surrounding area.
6)Each team is required to bring at least a camera (or phone-camera).
So...hope to see you guys there! =D
Recruitment Drive:
Venue: Atrium
Time: 12 - 2 PM
For any enquiries please contact:
Ashvini (SRC Social Concerns Representative) - 012 392 6052
Natasha (SRC Cultural & Religious Representative) - 019 882 6364
Mira (SRC Sports Representative) - 019 391 0520
Student Representative Council
International Medical University

IMU Ball 2010 presents AUDACIEUX
1. Over 53 tables have been sold with only less than 7 tables remaining. There will only be a maximum of 60 tables at the Royale Chulan so table/ticket sales will work on a first come, first serve basis. If your batch needs anymore tables, please contact Jade Liew (MEDT 108) at 017-213 7178. Do also leave your enquiries in the chat box at http://www.imuball.blogspot.com
2. Single tickets are also available at RM130 but these are on a limited basis. If you do not have sufficient people to occupy a table, send us your bookings which include your name, contact details and the number of tickets you wish to purchase. Please note that a minimum deposit of 50% is required when making a reservation.
3. For those that wish to book a room for the night at the Royale Chulan, we have a special package prepared for you. Deluxe rooms start from RM260 per night which is a terrific offer that should not be missed. Normal room rates start from RM780++. For those whom are interested in this package, please contact Tiang Kor Woi at 012-322 9478 for more details. Alternatively, you can send your enquiries to me and I will reply as soon as possible to the best of my ability. This is definitely an offer you should not let slip away! For more information on the hotel and room facilities, please check http://www.theroyalechulan.com.my/
4. Please be reminded that posters for the ball are situated around the campus. They can be found at the sitting corner of the library, student lounge, notice boards at LT 1&2, by the lift, and ground floor escalators. All the information can be found on these posters.
1. IMU'S Got Talent 2010 starts on the 8th of March 2010. Do come and support all your friends as the first few rounds will all depend on your VOTES! That's right, our contestants will be depending on you to reach the finals so come in droves, bring your banners, glow sticks and enthusiasm to the show! Great prizes to be won and official certificates from IMU await the talented few.
The contestants that make it to the finals will have to impress our set of external judges so you have to make sure your favourite makes it to the final event. I assure you that it will be an awesome show as our contestants are made up from representatives from the various departments in IMU and I am sure their talent will be mind blowing. Remember, the first few rounds are based on YOUR VOTES! You have a say in deciding who will be our WINNER! The details are as follow:
Venue: Lecture Theatre 2 (3rd Floor)
Date : 8th March 2010
Time : 6.00pm - 10.00pm
Venue: Atrium (Ground Floor)
Date : 15th March 2010
Time : 12.00pm - 2.00pm
Venue: Atrium (Ground Floor)
Date : 29th March 2010
Time : 12.00pm - 2.00pm
Venue: Lecture Theatre 2 (3rd Floor)
Date : 2nd April 2010
Time : 7.00pm - 10.00pm
Remember to vote for your favourite act! The voting booth will be in front of the library from 9.30am to 4.00pm. Cast your votes there once you have decided your choice. For more information on IMU'S Got Talent, please contact Gan Siang Wei (M108) at 012-2456204.*
It is compulsory for each graduating batch to send a minimum representative of 1 guy and 1 girl each. More than 2 representatives are definitely encouraged. As for the other batches, you are more than welcome to send us as many representatives as well! It is, after all, an IMU BALL and integration is our motto.
Each representative has to complete the following form and either EMAIL IT IN to the IMU Ball email (theimuball@gmail.com) with the title “IMU Ball 2010 Royalty” or print it out and HAND IT IN to Jade, Premi or Ian by the 15th of March, Monday.
Please take note of the following dates:
- 15th March 2010: Closing date for nominations / registrations
- 16th March 2010: Photo shoot for nominee profiles
- 17th March – 2nd April 2010: Campaigning & online voting for the shortlisting of nominees
- 5th April 2010: Release date for the shortlist of confirmed nominees (all confirmed nominees must attend the IMU Ball or forfeit the right to compete)
- 10th April 2010: Contention & final voting on the night of the IMU Ball!
For more information please contact:
Jade : 017 – 213 7178
Premi : 012 - 391 6840
Ian : 012 – 396 0950
Email: theimuball@gmail.com
Website: http://imuball.blogspot.com
I M U B a l l 2 0 1 0
Closing date for nominations: 15th March 2010, Monday
Attached with this email are the Ball King & Queen nominee form and the relevant poster. Please do upload all of this to your respective batch and department blogs. I look forward to seeing all of you at our events. Till my next email, take care.
Warmest regards,
Chong Ian (M209)
Vice-President & Publicity
IMU Ball 2010.
I support Bryan Ang for SRC!