time to read through properly for any that may concern with
you or that you may want to get involved with. I did notice
that there are several that regularly visit this blog for updates
- so for those that do please spread around to other fellow
batchmates about this blog. It's good if we are able to make
this blog an efficient vehicle for news dispersion throughout
our blog. The reason for this is because:-
1. Updates are often sent to us via email on weekends.
2. There are simply too many announcements to be made
some times. If we were to stand in front of the batch
and make the long list of announcements - there is no longer
a purpose for the 15 min 'break'.
Despite the situation, your respective batchreps will continue
to make announcements for at least the important news that
needs to be made obvious to you all.
Thanks for the cooperation:-
As you all most probably noticed a large notice has been
placed dead centre in the middle of Atrium. Listed are the
names and the IMU Cup houses which they belong to.
1. The first official house meeting between all the IMU
houses will be on the 23rd of April from 7pm to 10pm.
2. For those that notice their information/details are incorrect
and those that do not have their names in the lists for
some reason - please go to SRC (at the new student lounge)
and inform SRC members or send an email to:-
imusrc@gmail.com to rectify the discrepancy.
Upcoming Talks
1. Alumni Talk by
There will be an Alumni Talk come Wednesday 22 April 2009, 12 - 1pm at SR3. The speaker is Chin Yen Ming from M102, graduated from Seremban Clinical School in 2007 and is currently a Medical Officer in Perak. Students who are going to Seremban or who intend to work in Malaysia are recommended to attend the talk. The speaker has also asked if there are any topics in particular that the students are interested to know. Please pass the questions you would like to ask the speaker to your batchreps by Tuesday 21 April 2009. Thanks.
2. Students' Choice Awards
Students' Choice Award will be held on 23 April 2009, Thursday, from 12-1pm in the Auditorium. The event is organized in appreciation and recognition of all the effort that have been poured in by the lecturers in educating the students. The results would be based on the votings done by all the students in IMU, from the survey forms that were handed out. Refreshments will be served at the end of the event.
Arm Wrestling Competition
I know what you're thinking, "ARM WRESTLING
COMPETITION?!" But, it's not just for the body
builders of IMU - it's an interesting event for fun.
So do give it a shot. Below are the details from Arthur
(IMU Gym & Fitness Club President).

As part of our semesterly activities, the IMU Gym & Fitness Club will be holding an Arm Wrestling Competition on the 27th, and if there are enough participants, the 28th of April. As such, I'd like to ask for your assistance in spreading the word of our activity by putting it on your blog, or email or anything that you use to commune with your batch =)
Both men and women can compete in the competition, with three weight classes for men:
Below 60kg
Between 60kg and 80kg
Above 80kg
And two weight classes for women (variable)
Below 55kg
Above 55kg
For each category there is a prize of 50RM for the ultimate winner. The competition will be a knockout, tournament based style-esque competition and everyone (except lecturers) is invited to join! The joining fee for the competition will be 5RM per person, though members of the club are entitled to a 2RM discount to reduce the price to 3RM.
We will be setting up a table in the atrium from the 20th of April to the 24th of April for anyone interested in the competition, where we can answer any questions, and sign up anyone who is interested in joining this highly lucrative competition.
- Arthur
The SRC Secretary Post
The secretary of the incoming council (SRC 09/10), Natasha Ng, has decided to step down due to personal and academic reasons.
Both the current and the incoming council have decided that Nirmal Randhawa would be a more than suitable candidate to take up the position as not only was her performance during apprenticeship week and Hustings commendable, but as the difference in the votes was also quite small, we felt she was someone the student body also had confidence in. We have spoken to her and she has agreed to take the position if need be.
However, if there are any people who would like to step up for the position as well now is the time! The deadline will be April 22nd (Wednesday) at 9.00 AM.
The potential candidates will have to go through a week of apprenticeship (27th to 30th May) under me and an executive interview. This is so the process can be dealt with before the inauguration (May 4th).
Please do note that the position of the secretary is essentially the "right hand" of the president. I have attached the Standard Operating Procedure for the Secretary for your reference.
If there are no contestants we will appoint Nirmal as the secretary immediately on Wednesday itself.
Zia Shah
(Incoming SRC President)
Part Time Jobs Available
There are currently 10 part time jobs being made available
to students in IMU. There are 5 for the IT department and
5 for the library post paying RM 7 and RM 8 respectively.
For those that are interested, either visit SRC or send an
email saying that you are interested to: imusrc@gmail.com
Eldwin, could you post about the IMU Clinical Scool talk on wednesday in detail either here or on your own blog, because there were many of us who had no choice but to go for our other classes and skip it.
ReplyDeleteHey Starless. Promise,
ReplyDeleteI have yet to be informed about any more additional IMU Clinical School talks. The only talk given so far was from the alumni S'ban clinical school talk which was conducted last Wed. However, as soon as i do hear about anything I will surely post it here. Thanks for the request! :-)
- Eldwin
that's the one i was talking about. i want to know what it was about.