Tuesday, March 29, 2011
MSK Course Evaluation
CtME is scheduling ME1/09 Sem 5 Musculoskeletal online course evaluation tomorrow morning, 30 March 2011 (Wednesday). Please be reminded on the following:
Musculoskeletal Online Course and Lecturer Evaluation
Date: 30 March 2011 (Wednesday)
Time: 10.30am – 12.30pm
Venue: E-Lab 3
Please take note the attendance will be taken. CtME would really appreciate your participation of this exercise and your co-operation is highly appreciated for curriculum development.
Rohayati Raben
Annoucements ( 29.3.2011)
1. Community Medicine Report Deadline The deadline for the com med report is on 1 April 2011. The group leader is required to collect all the reports on that day and hand it in to the respective facilitator on his/her time. Please be cooperative and have it ready by that day because it would be unseemly for your leader to approach and bother your faci on more than one ocassion.
2. ECA Report - Soft Copy (Local Students) I have realised that the email that is stated in the ECA form that Local Seremban Clinical students are supposed to send to keeps failing. There is some error with that particular email address so send your ECA form (soft copy) to the PMS email instead at: pmsmatching@imu.edu.my
Monday, March 28, 2011
Announcements (28.3.2011)
Below are several announcements to take note of that I made after today's lecture:
1. Batch Photo
We will be taking the official batch photo this WEDNESDAY, 30 March 2011 at 1030AM.
Please remember to bring your lab coat as it will be a formal picture. This is incredibly important and Tay and I do hope you all will cooperate. I know most are PMS bound but whether or not you are doing local or overseas, it does not change the fact that we spent our pre-clinical years (2.5 years!). We learned together, we grew together and whether we like it or not we shaped each others lives within this period of time here at Bukit Jalil campus. So it would be FANTASTIC if we can have a photo to look back and say "man.. those were the days.. i'm proud to be of the M109 cohort". And even if you're not, lol pretend for the sake of your batchmates who do! :)
2. Case-Based Learning
This is a call to all CBL leaders, Dr. Nilesh wants the names of the 4 presenters for your respective cases. The predetermined leader is the first name of each grouping and it is entirely the responsibility of the leader to find 4 presenters whichever way you deem necessary. If in the event, you are unable to carry out your responsibilities find a friend to take up the role and explain to him/her the exact responsibilities of the leader. Do take this serious! It is a great chance to learn and improve on presentation skills for those who undertake this challenge, and you would eventually have to study those topics anyways. What a great way to remember by heart these topics by presenting them to a cohort of 200 people! So do hand me the names tomorrow in between lectures.
3. Dental Yearbook
I have just received word from the dental students, that they will be placing orders for their dental yearbooks soon. So for those medical students interested in making that purchase which is approximately RM50 for about 50 pages, then do send your FULL NAME and NUMBER OF COPIES to the batch email at medt109@gmail.com. I announce this because I know for some you have many friends in DT109 and would be interested.
Do spread the news to your friends for they might not have read this post or heard the announcements made in between lecturers.
Thank you.
Sunday, March 27, 2011
MMS Group IV Replacement
Giving a Talk at Taylors
Saturday, March 26, 2011
2011 IMU's Got Talent Finals
Wednesday, March 23, 2011
Important Announcements (23-3-2011)
Imelda Bartolome
Academic Affairs
2nd Floor, IMU Bukit Jalil, KL
Tel: 03-2731 7355
Tuesday, March 22, 2011
Convo Mag - Artistic Literature Reception

Monday, March 21, 2011
List of Deadlines
Below are just a few random announcements and question(s) answered for those who inquired:
1. List of Deadlines
I realize, there are so many deadlines with this form and that form. So I have organized them in a short list that you can see on the side-widget. As there will be many updates coming up, I know the relevant posts will be shifted down further each time I post so click on the link to bring you straight to the post which concerns that topic. Also you will notice in brackets, I have placed the dates for the deadline for you convenience.
2. Batch Video
This Tuesday, 22nd March 2011 right after the 2nd lecture we will be shooting the batch video. There is one very important scene which we deliberated on and finally came up with a simple idea yet effective to literally get every1 their 5 seconds of fame! We will be attempting to organize the longest single file line in IMU and yes if successful it will look awesomely cool. The plan is to get every1 to line up, so line up according to friends figure out your pose or whatever it is you want to shout out as the camera pans across the line from the beginning to the end of the line. Do stick by if you want to be included, the more the better after all we are all one batch! And I will upload the video to FB/Youtube for every1 to see after IMU Ball 2011. :) Your utmost cooperation would be fantastic! We will try to make it as fast as possible, it really depends on how long it takes to assemble the line. :)
3. Q&A
I received several questions, so I will answer them here although I have answered them personally already so that it may help others who might have the same questions.
a) Do we have to do the Student Attribute Form?
Ans. No. That is only for your mentor to fill out, we have nothing to do for that. Hope you have made a good impression on your mentor the past 5 sems though! :)
b) Do local (Seremban) students have to do the narrative?
Ans. No.
With that I conclude this post.
Booking For ECA Purposes
Dear All,
Perhaps I did not make any clearer. This is some of the general rules regarding extra curriculum activities or student related activities:
1. All application for event must be submitted 2 weeks prior. Please submit form A and B to SSD.
1. Venue must be booked 2 weeks prior. Fill in the ECA Booking Form that you can get from SSD. All venue must be approved by SSD and AAD. Atrium are only for exhibition related event. NO AUDIO is allowed in atrium. All events involving AUDIO or SPEAKER must use Driveway. No exception for anyone. No cheers are allowed as well in IMU premises during office hour.
2. Greenzone utilization is allocated based on sports club. Please liaise with them if you need to use it. You can only use it during weekdays as IMU. Weekend is for the public as we have make agreement with DBKL regarding this. Only if there is no taker by Friday 5:30, IMU students is allowed to use it.
1. No promotion is allowed on any glass surface of IMU.
2. Promotional material need to be taken down latest 2 days after the event.
I will update you on and off again. But please make sure everyone that will be organizing student event are aware of this (i.e Club and societies, batches).
Sunday, March 20, 2011
Reschedulling of Skills Centre Group 1 (A1-E9)
Please be informed that the Skills Centre 1 for Group 1 (A1 – E9) will be reschedule to Tuesday, 22 March 2011 at 4.00 – 6.00pm. Kindly inform your classmates regarding the rescheduling.
Thank you.
Friday, March 18, 2011
MOCK PMS Matching - Deadline Update
Thursday, March 17, 2011
Hospital Visit - Group 2
However, please take note it would be the best if you can find someone in that group 1's session to switch places with you so that the bus on that day is not overloaded. I hope the problem does not come to that.
Thank you.
University of Warwick Talk
Details of Talk
Title: University of Warwick Alumni Talk (Also, generally about working in UK)
Date: 18 March 2011
Time: 1PM
Venue: LT1
Do take note and spread the word for those that may not have heard the announcements or keep up with the batch blog. As I said earlier this week, it doesn't matter if you have never visited the batch blog more than 5 times since sem 1, but this is probably the most important time to start keeping updated because there are too many details to be announcing and at least you have referring text to avoid confusion.
Thank you.
Academic Council 2011
I realised when making this announcement, primarily PMS students were present at that time so I shall reiterate it on the batch blog. As you know next week there will be the Academic Council 2011, whereby deans from all the PMS will congregate to discuss on IMU-PMS academic issues. They may or may not ask us for our feedback but our job is to sit there in the Senate Room to be ready in case they require feedback from students (which usually is not the case, or at least not when I attended AC 2010).
Here's the good news! It is a one day gig roughly about 2 hours long and starts at 10.45AM, Monday 21 March 2011 and all those that fully participate will be receiving a CERTIFICATE. I'm guessing that one extra thing on yr ECA report won't hurt any right? Thing is, this is rather limited so I will only accept on a first-come-first-serve basis. If you are interested email me your FULL NAME (as on cert) to medt109@gmail.com. If you receive a confirmation email reply then congratz! Otherwise, assume that you did not get it because it really is very limited.
Thank you.
Wednesday, March 16, 2011
Deans Meet Students Session - 2011
The Twenty-first Meeting of the Academic Council will be held on 20-22 March 2011. In conjunction with the meeting, a special session has been scheduled for students to meet with individual members of the Academic Council from partner medical & dental schools.
DATE: Tuesday, 22 March 2011
TIME 12.45 noon – 1.00 pm Presentation by Partner Medical Schools
VENUE Auditorium A & B, 4.06.01 & 02 (4thFloor)
*12.45 noon – 1.00 pm Presentation by Australasia
*1.00 – 1.15 pm Presentation by N. America
*1.15 – 1.30 pm Presentation by UK/Ireland
TIME 12.45 noon –1.30 pm Presentation by Partner Dental Schools
VENUE Lecture Theatre 3, 4.02 (4th Floor)
(Note: 5 minutes for presentation and 5 minutes for Q&A)
TIME 1.30 pm – 3.00 pm Students Meet Individual Deans (Medical & Dental)
VENUE Multi –Purpose Hall 1-6, 2.07 (2rd Floor)
The list of questions compiled by students has already been forwarded to the partner schools and in the general briefing responses to those questions will be covered. This is meant to avoid repetition of questions when the students meet the members later individually. Therefore, students are strongly recommended to attend the general briefing.
The Student Affairs and batch representatives are requested to assist in ensuring the smooth conduct of the session.
Thank you.
Professor Victor Lim
Executive Dean
Faculty of Medicine and Health
Mock PMS Matching
This is particularly important to those doing PMS-ing. Recently I put a poll up about whether or not you all want to have a mock PMS matching. ~ 50 responded with a yes and though there are 128 PMS students in total, it's still enough to convince me to organize this Mock PMS matching. Do take note that I'm not even doing PMS so i'm doing this purely to help those that requested for it. For those that didn't even know of such a poll to begin with, it's time to get back up to speed because you are severely outdated. So, what I ask is your simple cooperation. I have created the basic template for me to gather your Top 10 PMS choices in the google documents (link below). All you need to do is click on the link and find the row with your name and fill in your Top 10 choices. Before doing it, here are some ground rules to avoid any mishaps.
PMS/Local Students - Form A and B
Tuesday, March 15, 2011
ECA Form - Verification Sessions
MMS MSK Week 3 - Timetable Changes
Group III
21 March 2011
changed to:
18 March 2011
Group VI
22 March 2011
changed to:
18 March 2011
Spread the word!
Monday, March 14, 2011
Yoga Club
A Scent of Morning Breeze
...Date: 18th March 2011(FRI)
Time: 7am-8am
Venue: Green Court
Remarks: Bring ur own mat. If it rains, it will be postponed.
Sunday, March 13, 2011
Skin Structure functions and dermatomes
Please be informed on the swapping of class for Prof Judson on 28 March 2011 with SIL on 31 March 2011. The following are the details:
Date: 28 March 2011
Time: 8.00 – 9.00am
Topic: SIL (Research & Preparation for PBL)
Date: 31 March 2011
Time: 8.00 - 9.00am
Topic: Skin Structure functions and dermatomes
Lecturer: Prof John Paul Judson
Seronegative spondyloarthritis
Monday, March 7, 2011
IMU Ball 2011 - Room Prices
May Lau - M209
Un Pei Jie - DT109
Vice President (Admin)
Scott Low Jun Kuang - M209