Friday, January 29, 2010
Guess what? We’re having a paintball event!
Realizing that it has been rather quiet lately in IMU, and SRC has been keeping a pretty low profile, we’ve decided to come up with something totally out of the ordinary, hence paintball!
It’s a post-CNY event, the 26th February, which is fortunately a Friday (so you can recuperate during the weekend) . Details are as below:
Date: 26th February, Friday
Time: 7.45am - 5.00pm
Location: Canyon Paintball @ the Club, Bukit Utama.
Last date for RSVP is 19th of February 2010.
Excited yet?
Then you’d better sign up quick with SRC through facebook! Request an invitation at, and you’d better move fast, because the strict cutoff number of people we’re taking is set at 50!
Mask on! Barrel socks off! Game ON!
IT Liaison 09/10.
Dear All,
Students from MP 1/10, MQ1/10 are organizing a recycling campaign to raise funds for Charity Home. We need your help by sending to them recyclable items.
They will collect the items from 21 Jan until 29 Jan 2010.
Time for collection : 8.15am - 9.15am; 12.45noon - 1.30pm
Venue: IMU Atrium.
Items: Old newspaper magazines, books, aluminum cans, plastic bottles, boxes, cardboards, etc.
Hopefully you may support the campaign to save the environment and also support for the orphanage.
Best regards,
Yap Ming Fai
Student Counsellor,
Student Service Department,
International Medical University
No. 126, Jalan 19/155B, Bukit Jalil
57000 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
+60 (3) 2731 7454 (Direct)
Saturday, January 23, 2010
SM Recruitment
Last call!!!!!!
Hi, we are here again.. Chee & Joe, Chief SM for MEDT1/10 orientation..
I heard some of you are interested on becoming SM but don’t know how to contact us. Hence, we are sending out the last call for becoming SM in coming orientation.. SM are still available for the following events:
- Wet Icebreaker
- Indoor Treasure Hunt
- Outdoor Treasure Hunt
- Telematch
Tentatively, the schedules for the activities are:
Wet Icebreaker ------- 23 Feb 2010 (Tuesday)
Indoor Treasure Hunt -------- 24 Feb 2010 (Wednesday)
Outdoor Treasure Hunt -------- 27 Feb 2010 (Saturday)
Telematch ------- 2 March 2010 (Tuesday)
Please remember that DEMAND always more than SUPPLY.. So please show your interest as soon as possible.. All of this are base on first come first serve..
Please approach us by e-mail or 24/7 on mobile phone.
Joe 017-3221340
Chee Yuan 016-4213977
Wednesday, January 20, 2010
Timetable Updates!
the batch's convenience.
Timetable Changes: (Do take note)
1) 21-Jan-10 1145-1245: (No Lecture)
2) 21-Jan-10 1445-1545: Reaction to cardiac events and psychological
rehabilitation (NM)*
3) 22-Jan-10 1445-1515: Blood supply of the heart (JPJ)
1520-1545: Regulation of coronary blood flow (NW)
4) No Q & A Session for week 3
5) 3-Feb-10 1330-1430: Behavioral issues in cardiovascular diseases (SK)
(As originally scheduled)
6) The respective two lectures have switched places in the timetable.
Blood Vessels in Upper Limbs (Dr. Nilesh)
Myocardial, Pericardial Disease & Cardiomyopathy (Dr. Arun)
CPR Certificates
Those of you who have yet to receive your CPR certificates or face
dissatisfaction with your certs due to a typo in the printing of your name.
Please email your full name, with the subject entitled "CPR Certificate"
IMU Tennis Championships
Dear IMU Tennis Club Members,
The IMU Tennis Club will be organising the IMU Tennis Championship 2010 in the month of February. We will send out a poster with the full details soon. Meanwhile do read the information below just to get yourselves thinking about joining. Do join! =)
IMU Tennis Club Secretary
IMU Tennis Championship 2010
Proposed date of event: 27 and 28 February 2010
Time of event: 8.30am - 1.00pm for both days
Venue of event: Jalan Duta National Tennis Centre
Categories: Men’s Singles, Ladies Singles, Mixed Doubles
Entry Fee: RM 5 for singles and RM 10 for each doubles pair
Format of play: First round to quarter-finals one tie break set, advantage play. Semi Finals and Finals one super set, first to reach 8 games, advantage play.
Prizes: For each category first prize RM100, second prize RM80, third prize RM 50. All winners will be awarded certificates as well.
Participant Limit: 16 entries each for Men’s and Ladies Singles and 16 pairs for Mixed Doubles.
- Players need to be punctual. Grace period of 10 minutes will be given. Walkover will be given if no show.
- Entry fee is not refundable.
- Umpires decision is final.
Invitation to P109 Malaysian Studies Drama
To all batch reps,
We would like to invite everyone to come over for our Malaysian Studies Drama which will be help on 5th of February (Friday) at LT2 from 5 - 7pm. Please kindly inform your batchmates about this event. If possible, please blog about it as well =) So, do come and support us~

Monday, January 18, 2010
Replacement Class
Before I start with the usual bombardment of updates, please take note:
1) Dr. Vijay Singh's Hypertension lecture will be replaced during the Q&A
session this coming Friday, not Tuesday 4PM as there is PBL going on.
2) The clashing of clinic visit groups 1 this Thursday with the first lecture
is being discussed with Miss Imelda, I will announce any updates in between
3) Some of you requested for the photos I took of the X-Ray during the Skills
Center Session earlier today. So here it is. : )

IMU Newsletter
Dear all
The latest IMU newsletter is now available with features on the Chiropractic programme, Tun Dr Mahathir's visits to IMU and being conferred the Honorary Doctorate of Medicine by IMU and much more, as well as information on the student's activities and community project in Batu Pahat, Johor.
Here's a copy of the newsletter for your reading. For those who wants a hard copy, you can pick it up from us at Student Services Department. Limited copies only as we are working to be more environmentally friendly. There are also some copies in the student lounge.
Happy reading!
Chiew Yeong
Good news about dress code!
Dear all,
Yesterday Nirmal and I were discussing Dress Code with Dr. Mei Ling and the suggestion of dressing in smart casual rather than full-on dress code during study break came up. The only issue she, and the Deans, have on this is how to differentiate which students are on study break and which students are actually having lectures.
So, we came to the conclusion that if there it is peer regulated (as in students make sure that they and their classmates are in dress code when they are not on study break) and that students do stick to dress code then it should be plausible.
What we need to know from all students is if they would agree to this.
Also, smart casual still means no shorts, no flip flops. If you are unsure about the definition here are some links to read up on it:
Please let me know by 1st of February. I have put up a poll on for students to vote on. If you have any other suggestions let us know on the chatbox. :)
Warmest regards,
Zia Shah
Student Representative Council
International Medical University
Congratulations Dr. John Paul Judson
We are pleased to announce the appointment of Professor John Paul Evangel Judson as the new Dean of Medical Sciences for a period of 3 years. Professor Judson will take over from Professor Yasmin with effect from 1 February 2010. As Dean of Medical Sciences, Professor Judson will provide the leadership for the implementation, quality assurance and continual improvement of all programmes under the School of Medical Sciences.
On behalf of IMU, we wish to express our deepest gratitude to Professor Yasmin for her leadership role and contribution to the IMU during her tenure as Dean of Medical Sciences from September 2005 to January 2010. Professor Yasmin will be going on leave for 6 months from 1 February 2010. She will be moving on to a new appointment upon her return from leave. The new appointment will be informed in due course.
We congratulate Professor Judson on his new appointment and hope that everyone will extend their fullest cooperation to Professor Judson in his new role.
On behalf of Prof Victor Lim
Executive Dean
Student Representative Council
International Medical University
MQA/MCC Re-accreditation of Mecical Programme
Dear Everyone,
Executive Dean
Faculty of Medicine and Health
No. 126 Jalan 19/155B
Bukit Jalil
Direct Line: 603-8656 8832
Direct Fax: 603-8656 7239
Student Representative Council
International Medical University
SRC - Student Dialogue Session
Some students have informed us that they would like there to be more SRC-Student interaction and thus we have come up with a Dialogue Session!

It will take place in the Atrium, on the 20th of January at 12.30 - 2 PM. There will be lunch provided.
This will be a great chance for students to share their concerns with us and let us know what they like about IMU and what they would like to see improved.
This is also a great chance to find out what your council has been doing for you!
We really hope to see you there.
Warmest regards,
Zia Shah
Student Representative Council
International Medical University
Thursday, January 14, 2010
Archike REPLACEMENT Class!!!
Tuesday, January 12, 2010
How to Print Using New Computers
: )
Filming in IMU Bukit Jalil Campus
Dear All
IMU has been chosen as a filming location for an educational programme to be broadcasted on Astro Xiao Tai Yang (Channel 325).
Astro Xiao Tai Yang is a 24-hour channel dedicated to bring fun and educational programming for children from 4 to 12 years old. Astro Xiao Tai Yang will showcases Taiwan and China popular and award winning children programming. These include musical, animation, puppet show and learning and education magazines in science, English, art & craft, nature, music, history etc. In addition, in house production and local contents will be included too.
The filming crew will be at IMU Bukit Jalil campus on 14, 20 and 29 January 2009 from 8.00 am - 6.00 pm. Therefore, please do not be surprised to see people with cameras and filming props around the campus.
Chiew Yeong
Dear all,
Here is a message from our friendly IT Liaison Alicia, which you can also find on her blog page at
Happy New Year, all!
The print outsourcing has been up and running since last 7th December. If you haven't got your pin for the account yet, which is customized for every student, and you missed the dates to get it, you could always get it from the HelpDesk on the third floor, to the left of the escalator.
You would require that pin each time to log onto the printer itself to print. As our printers are linked up, students would be able to print from different learning labs, even if they've sent their print jobs from another learning lab. This would be really awesome if students on a deadline find themselves caught in a congestion of other people trying to print in one lab; they could always run over to another lab and print directly from the printer itself, eliminating the need to log onto the network and send the print job again.
Also, the earlier print rates are now incorrect, as they've been lowered to 8.5 sen per black and white page.
Welfare Meeting
During our Welfare Meeting back in November, I did attempt to bring up getting a number of FinePrint licenses for several of our computers. However, the notion was turned down as it tends to consume much memory, which would then jam up the next print jobs, as well as the fact that it is really too expensive at its USD$60.00 price, which would translate into at least RM200 per license, especially when the outsourcing company is already providing the drivers as part of the agreement.
Hence, the current system will stick to the Ricoh drivers provided by the outsourcing company.
Just a casual reminder to students; -
Do remember to scan your USB drives that are plugged in and out of IMU computers (regardless of location of computer) and your own personal/other computers, prior and post-usage. Even when we still conduct sweeps monthly to clean off the viruses and trojans, a major number of infections still crop up due to external inputs.
Despite it being a bit of a so-called chore, it is a habit that should be exercised by students adult enough to take initiative in preventing things they don't want to happen.
Hoping everyone had a very good New Year celebration, and a blessed year of advancement ahead!
Warmest regards,
Zia Shah
Student Representative Council
International Medical University
A How-To Guide to Printing on the new Ricohs.
Merely wanted to post up a written guide on how to print using the new printers as it's easy to get lost if you aren't too sure :(.
You would first need to get your pin, if you haven't efficiently already done so at HelpDesk on the third floor, left of the escalator. Miss Aarthi is the person in charge, and she is the only one who has the right to generate your six-digit pin, so if there's a congestion, please bear with us.
The second thing you need is paper and a computer within one of the ELLs.
After you've decided what to print, click Print (take note of the printer as well; if it's not the Ricoh printer for the ELLs, then your print job will not be received). You would see a window popping up asking for your username and password, both which are your Student ID number. Type them both out and hit Enter. If you would like to see/make sure that your print job is sent, you can look for Start Menu > Ringdale > Client Administration. Under the Print Jobs tab, you should be able to see your print job.
Next, get up from chair and move towards printer with your papers, and insert papers into the topmost Tray 1. Gently push it back, to avoid its internals from breaking.
After, ensure printer is on (the On button is on your top right), and that the Printer button on your left has a lighted up LED.
Enter pin number (eg 123456) onto the black box on printer (not the printer itself) and press #. If the pin works, there are two beeps. If it does not, three beeps will sound.
Warmest regards,
Zia Shah
Student Representative Council
International Medical University
IMU Print Outsourcing Newsletter
January 11, 2010 REFRESHER COURSE - IMU Bukit Jalil
Over the past few weeks we have been diligently working together with our new partners from Ricoh Malaysia to install and get these machines up and running for you. As we usher in the new year, we hope the introduction of these new machines bring you a more pleasant and problem free printing experience in the IMU.
Due to popular demand, we are conducting a refresher course this week to train students on the usage of these new multifunction machines. If you are keen on attending any of these sessions please drop by for any of the following sessions.
A. Main Campus, IMU Bukit Jalil , KL
Training Dates: 14, 15, 19, 20 Jan 2010
Time slot: 11am-2pm / 5pm-6pm
Venue: Elab 1
B. Clinical School Campus, Clinical School, SB
Training Date: 13 Jan 2010
Session will start at 12 p.m - 1 p.m in Library & SRC (each session is about 1/2 hour)
For assistance please feel free to contact us through:-
Email :
Arathi : extension 3207
Justin : extension 3210
Henry : extension 3216
Edmund : extension 3217
Or feel free to drop by ITS and we'll greet you with a smile! :)
Have a good week!
warm regards,
ITS Department
International Medical University, No. 126, Jalan 19/155B, Bukit Jalil, 57000 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
Tel: (603) 8656 7228 Fax: (603) 8656 7229
2005-2009 International Medical University. All rights reserved.
Additions to the Student Lounge
Dear all,
We are happy to announce that we have managed to get better chairs for the computers in the student lounge.
Please make sure not to misplace them or abuse them.
Also, Dr. Annie Tay very kindly donated a DVD player for the student lounge.
Please do make sure that you do not watch anything obscene with it and that you do not remove the dvd player from where it has been placed.

Warmest regards,
Zia Shah
Student Representative Council
International Medical University
Sunday, January 10, 2010
Important Survey - DO TAKE : )
but yes time does fly! Soon it will be time for the next orientation. : P Anyways, below
is a link to a survey, it's a really important survey which will help IMU know how they
can improve our course better. I'm sure every1 has their own suggestions, but things
never seem to change. Well things will have a greater chance to change via this survey.
It was my idea to ask them to make a digital survey of the survey I passed around last
week, a physical copy somehow is so troublesome. Especially when lectures are going on,
so yes I appreciate your full cooperation! Do spread this to your fellow friends.
"Dear Students
Please go to this URL (where you can access from home or E-lab) and do the necessary before next Wednesday, 13th January 2010.
CtME would appreciate your participation of this exercise and your co-operation is highly appreciated for curriculum development.
Note: For those who already submitted paper base evaluation on 7th January 2010 were exempted.
Thank you.
CtME Office"
1. REAL Undergraduate Conference
Dear all,
The Ministry of Higher Education together with REAL Leaders Solutions will be organizing the 3rd REAL Undergraduate Conference (RUC). RUC is Malaysia’s biggest conference where undergraduates from different institutions are given the opportunity to learn from our country’s leaders. Details for the conference are as follows :
Date : 30th January 2010
Time : 8am – 6pm
Venue : Hall A, Putrajaya International Convention Centre
Theme : Undergraduates of One Malaysia
Fee : RM80 ( the price is after subsidy by the Ministry as well as corporate companies. Originally it is RM398 per person)
Opening and Closing Speeches will be by Y.B. Dato’ Seri Mohamed Khaled Nordin, Minister of Higher Education. Among the keynote speakers who were present at previous RUC were Tun Mahathir Mohamad, Dato’ Kamilia Ibrahim, Datuk Ainun Marziah Wahi (VP of Petronas) and Madam Koid Swee Lian ( Director of Bank Negara Malaysia)
For more information, please log on to or call 016-2626 740 to speak directly with the organizers.
Interested students should give their name, student ID and contact information with the payment of RM80 to Zia (President of SRC) no later than the 13th of January 2010. You can contact me at 016-257-8520. There are only 38 seats allocated and it is on a first come first serve basis.
Thank you.
Warmest regards,Zia Shah
Student Representative Council
International Medical University
2. Opening of Oral Health Center
Dear All,
A very Happy New Year to Each and Everyone of you.
A lot of exciting events have been planned for IMU in 2010; we are definitely growing at an impressive pace, striving to be one of the leading private healthcare university. One of the exciting events is the opening of the Oral Health Center in ground floor. In the history of IMU, for the very first time, we will be receiving and treating dental patients in the BJ campus. The OHC will be offering oral health screening and a wide range of dental treatment.
We will be starting the oral health screening on 13/1/10. There will be screening sessions for IMU staff on 13/1, 18/1 and 20/1 morning. Please kindly make your way to OHC for registration and book your appointment. Appointments will be given on a first come first served basis, so hurry, and get the earliest appointment possible! For the first three months, simple treatments eg. scaling and polishing, simple restorations will be provided on complementary for IMU staff.
Thank you.
Warmest regards,
Liang Lin
3. Accreditation of Bachelor of Nursing (Hons)
Dear Colleagues,
I am pleased to inform you that the abovesaid fulltime programme is now fully accredited by MQA & Nursing Board of Malaysia for a period of five (5) years. By the way, the maximum of 5 years of full accreditation is normally only granted to programmes which excels in all areas of assessment ie it is not easy to obtain 5 years! Would you please join me in congratulating Nursing Faculty and students on this achievement and for all their hardwork.
Best wishes
Professor Peter Pook
Deputy Executive Dean,
Faculty of Medicine & Health; and
Dean, School of Pharmacy & Health Sciences,
International Medical University,
No. 126 Jalan 19/155B, Bukit Jalil
57000 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
Tel: (603) 8656 7093
Fax: (603) 8656 7239
4. Important Fire Safety Procedures
Dear all,
Please note that there are 6 to 8 Fire Exits in each floor in this building. The fire exits are marked KELUAR in green.
These doors can be opened ONLY from inside. The doors are fitted with two types of locks a push bar handle lock and/or a knob to be turned anticlockwise twice.
Mr. Amir is at present preparing signages showing the fire exit pathway and the floor plans with nearest fire exits for each cluster.
Please be familiar with the nearest fire exit to your workstation.
Please bring to my immediate notice if any fire exit is inaccessible.
The present Medical Emergency Operating Procedure is attached. Please see it.
Warmest regards,
Zia Shah
5. Jaypee e-Books
Dear All,
Please be informed that Jaypee Publications has extended the free trial access of their e-books for IMU until 31st January 2010. They have also sent us more information regarding their bestselling products for you to read. You can browse through the contents available at The excel sheet attached below carries the URL of each title thus making it simpler for you to access them immediately. Some of these books are also available in print version in the Library. Take note that the free trial can only be accessed from a computer within IMU network. No username or password is needed. Enjoy!
Student Representative Council
International Medical University