Hope every1's enjoying their holidays... here are
some updates coming your way!
Experience the Culture & Story of Malaysia
An event by the Malaysian Studies Students of M207
featuring sales and exciting performances that
represent the various ethnic groups in
Malaysia, performed by the students
from different cultural backgrounds
exclusively for you in this event,
Don’t miss the show!
Event Schedule
20th August 2009
Afternoon (Exhibition & Sales)
at the ATRIUM
11:30am to 3:30pm
Night (Grand Event & Closing)
8:00pm to 10:30pm
A Malaysian Studies Project by M207
You Can Be Our Next Model!
That’s right! We’re not joking. In fact, we really need models
to show-case attires from renowned fashion retailers and
receive hair-styling as well as make-up from the
experts! This is a part of our project on 20/08/09
Interested? See details below.
Please fill in the forms attached.
For more information
Jyun Jyh- jynx87@yahoo.com.my
Wei Ming- ming5275@yahoo.com
Lo Yen- rainnie_yen@hotmail.com
2) Dance Competition
The details are as follows (Subject to change):
The Theme of the competition is GO MAD,
Time would most likely be around 12:30 to 1.30pm
Date is currently the 9th of September, 2009 (09/09/2009/ =D)
Rules and Regulations
1. The competition is open to all full-time IMU students.
2. Each team is allowed a minimum number of 2 people and a maximum number of 8 people. Participants may use any number of songs but each team is allowed a maximum of six(6) minutes to perform.
3. Participants may use any dance form(s). Marks may or may not be given for creativity.
4. Song choices must NOT contain any vulgarities and obscenities.
5. Registration fee is RM3 per person and MUST be handed in with the registration form.
6. Participants must be in the appropriate dance 'dress code' (i.e not too revealing), the Judging Committee reserves the right to bar any participant of the competition, should his/her dress code be deemed unfit.
7. Recycling of dancers to other groups is prohibited.
8. A grace period of 5 minutes will be given to teams who turn up late, after which they will be officially disqualified.
At this point, the deadline for entry is the 31st of July, 2009. The deadline may or may not be extended, so sign up quick!
For further enquiries please do not hesitate to email back to us =)
Registration forms will be coming soon!
3) USMLE Webinar
5 people attend the USMLE Webinar regarding our special Webprep/online course this morning. Would you be able to send out a reminder that they must enroll before July 28th to receive the discount?
Also, we are hosting another webinar event for August (see invitation and registration links below).
The August webinar will be held at:
Wed, Aug 12, 2009 9:00 AM - 10:30 AM EDT (9pm in Seoul) Wed, Aug 12, 2009 8:00 PM - 9:30 PM EDT (8am Thursday 13th in Seoul) |
4) UM - Tennis Tournament
We are students from Second
Residential College, University of Malaya. We are organizing a Tennis
Tournament - UMIT '09 (University of Malaya Invitational Tennis) at the end of
this year. We'd like to invite you to participate in our tournament, which is
the 14th time this tournament is being organized.
of Malaya
: 1) 4th, 5th and
6th Dec 2009
Single open (entry fee: RM 50/person) &
team (entry fee: RM400/team)
2) 11th, 12th and 13th Dec 2009
University & secondary students
(entry fee: RM30/person),
The following are the attachments of
the participation form and also the rules and regulation as well as list of
prizes to be given for you as reference.
*For outstation players, accommodation with payment will be provided.
Any enquiries, please do not
hesitate to contact us at:

5) IMU Buddhist Society Recruitment Drive
IMU Buddhist society will be having a RECRUITMENT DRIVE to recruit new members from various new batches, namely the BPharm (B1/09), Biomedical Science (BM1/09), Nutrition & Dietetics (ND1/09), Psychology (PS1/09), Medical Biotechnology (MB1/09), Pharmaceutical Chemistry (PC1/09) and Nursing (NU1/09). Despite dedicating this event to the new batches, students from other existing batches are also welcomed to the society.
For this, we will be setting a recruitment booth at the Atrium between 11am to 2pm for both 21st and 22nd of July (next coming Tuesday and Wednesday). Please take the chance to visit our booth for more information on our activities for there will be members to introduce them to you.
For this, we will be setting a recruitment booth at the Atrium between 11am to 2pm for both 21st and 22nd of July (next coming Tuesday and Wednesday). Please take the chance to visit our booth for more information on our activities for there will be members to introduce them to you.
Please come CHECK IT OUT !!
May you be Well and Happy
IMU Buddhist Society
Newsletter Manager
Fong Ren Yi
It's time again for one of the biggest event held in IMU -the 2009 IMU Art Festival.
This year, the theme is Healthcare Go M.A.D. (Make A Difference).
The idea of our theme this year is to encourage healthcare providers to broaden their educational perspective and be the catalyst in using the arts to touch lives.
Among the competitions organized are:
Painting & Sketching
Short Film
Attractive prizes include:
Trophies and Certificates
Trophies and Certificates
Cash up to RM250!!!!
Participants are allowed to enter more than one category and the deadline for submission is 14th August 2009. Application for all categories is already open, so what are you waiting for? Please proceed to the Student Services Centre to get your entry form now!
IMU Art Festival 2009
Short Film Competition Rules:
- There is no charge to enter a film in this contest.
- Deadline for entries is August 20, 2009.
- Filmmakers must be IMU current students and staff.
- The theme of this contest: Go M.A.D (make a difference). Tell a tale or two regarding how one can lend a hand in changes for the better.
- Films must be original. Entries can be in any video form; short movies, photo essays, music videos, etc.
- IMU reserves the right to use all entries in the future.
- No pornography or over excessive graphic violence, and sensitive issues please. Try to keep productions at a PG13 rating or below.
- Directors are allowed to submit more than one entry, but a separate entry form must be completed for each.
- Entries will be judged by; (ms sheba help us to edit this part)
- Originality
- Relevance to theme
- Creativity
- Popularity (via online voting system)
- Entries will be accepted on DVD, DVD-R, or CD-ROM. Clearly label the film with the title, running time, contact name, batch or staff title and phone number(s). IMU and M&M Club are not responsible for loss or damage. Entry films and accompanying materials become the property of IMU.
- Any enquiries, please contact (preferably SMS/ email)
- Kien Jeen 017 3070650 / kienjeen@gmail.com
- Saira 012 8913597 / asairas@yahoo.com
All film entries need to be sent to:
(ms sheba fill this up J)
For more info, please refer to the entry form or contact Siew Hoon at 


Best Regards,
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