[attach MIMSC Poster HERE]
For those who are interested, please email IMU-SRC.
Student Representative Council
International Medical University
HOT DATES: MON TO FRI (24th Jan - 28th Jan, 7th Feb - 11th Feb)
Time: 12 pm - 4 pm
What can you expect?
i. DEDICATIONS: A specially designed card + any of the following options: lollies, roses, chocolates and balloons
ii. LOVE LETTERS: Beautifully chosen paper written with your dedications and specially sent to your BELOVED ONES
For i &/or ii, each dedication &/or love letter purchased, we will give you a PLEASANT SURPRISE!
Pls also note that the nomination deadline is drawing near: 31st Jan, & if you're interested to volunteer for Secret Valentine's Carnival on 14Feb (certs will be given), pls contact Tony at jayen_yct@hotmail.com or 0176952991.
-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Dear ME1/09 Students
Due to some technical issue, we unable to conduct ME1/09 online IMU-REEM evaluation last semester. Please be informed that, CtME will continue to conduct the survey this week (18 Jan – 21 Jan 2011).
Your response is very important, please go to this URL (where you can access from home) and to take necessary action. We need your co-operation to do this exercise for curriculum development.
URL Survey : http://its.imu.edu.my/imusurvey
Your co-operation is highly appreciated.
Rohayati Raben
CtME Office
Station Master Recruitment
Anyone who is interested in becoming SM’s for icebreakers/ indoor treasure hunt/ outdoor treasure hunt during the next orientation, please send your contact details and e-mail address to Keng Yuen (013-2822777/ k3ng22@hotmail.com ) by 23th of January, the proposal must be handed up by 27th January. First come first serve.
31st Jan is the deadline to SECRET VALENTINE's nomination for the following categories:
Category A- BEST boyfriend (only for singles)
Category B- BEST girlfriend (only for singles)
Category C- MOST compatible couple
Category D- MOST compatible POTENTIAL couple
Category E- MOST caring lecturer
To nominate your friends, please email their name and photo to the following address.
We need student helpers as tour guides and usherers.
The payment will be RM15 half day and RM30 per day.
Open day will be on the 16 January 2011, Sunday
Tours are scheduled every 30 mins leaving from the MPH.
For anyone who are interested,
please e-mail to May Kuan Ming Gal may_kuan@imu.edu.my or imusrc@gmail.com your Name, Course, Batch, IC/passport No, Student ID, Contact No, Food Preference (your lunch to be vege or non-vege) and working hours (half/full day) .
or you can drop by the SRC room and give these details to any of SRC council members.
Thank you very much!
Warmest regards,
Student Representative Council
International Medical University