Voting Rights Talk - Change of Venue
Dear SRC,
As Seminar Room 1 is booked for a lecture, the venue for the Voting Rights talk has been diverted to Lecture Theatre 3.
Apologised for the inconvenience caused.
Remember, the date is 14th September and it's at 12.30 PM.
Thanks and regards
Student Representative Council
International Medical University*****************************************************
The Language Department wants to organize an IELTS and MUET workshop for all students who have yet to sit for the IELTS or MUET. The workshops will have to be done on a weekend and the tentative dates are as follows :
IELTS workshop (2 days workshop) - 3 & 4 October, 10 & 11 October, 17 & 18 October
MUET workshop (half a day only, lunch and material provided) - 3 October, 10 October, 17 October, 24 October
Can you take a vote in your respective batches and find out when's the best day where most people will come? fees depend on how many people register for the classes.
We need your answers as soon as possible, thanks!
Natasha Tan
Culture & Religious Rep.
Student Representative Council
International Medical University*****************************************************
Dear students,
The prestigious brand in skin care, CLINIQUE will be having road show and workshops in IMU on the 17 Sept 2009 (Thursday)!
There will be two sessions of Basic Skin Care and Make Up Presentation (11.00am -12.00pm and 1.30pm-2.30pm at LT2), all participants will be given a Goodie Bag with compliments from Clinique worth RM200!
Display booth for Clinique products, one-on-one skin consultation with Clinuque experts and Discounted Student Set will also be available at the atrium (10am-4.30pm) on the same day.
All staff and students are welcome!
Min Tze

Student Representative Council
International Medical University*****************************************************
Dear ALL
Greetings from NIlai UC !!!
Please find in the attachment an invitation from the Ministry of Higher Education to join the Nilai UC-MOHE Future Leaders Camp which will be held from 7 -9 November, 2009 at Nilai Springs Resort Hotel. Please refer to the attachment for more details. Also attached are the registration forms.
I believe this camp would give your student leaders an opportunity to excel in their leadership skills for their future undertaking. Hope you can help to identify your student leaders and encourage them to sign up for this camp as soon as possible.

Thank you
Alfred Ong
Department of Student Affairs
Nilai University College
[PK Education Sdn Bhd (307215P)]
No. 1, Persiaran Kolej BBN, Putra Nilai
71800 Nilai, Negeri Sembilan Darul Khusus,
Tel : 06-850 2338 Ext. 344
Fax : 06-850 1766
E-mail :
Website :
Dear All,
The Centre for Medical Education (CtME), with the assistance of the Learning Resources Dept, has scheduled a continuing series of lunchtime educational sessions in support of advancing e-learning and use of digital resources at IMU.
The topic for this Wednesday, 16th September 2009, 12.15 - 1.15pm is on RSS and is opened to all faculty and students. The venue will be E-Lab 1, Level 3,
Bukit Jalil.
RSS Description
"In this learning session, we will explore RSS (Real Simple Syndication) and RSS Readers, and see how we can utilize them to facilitate our own learning more efficiently and effectively. RSS is basically a web page with a .xml file type that can be subscribed to and read by a
RSS reader (aggregator). The RSS reader will find the new content and display it when it becomes available. In essence, by using RSS new content will come to you, instead of you having to visit the site, or search for it. It will save you an infinite amount of time."
As its on a first come basis, please register early to ensure a place in the learning session. If you miss a session, visit the E-Learning Innovation Centre in to find the appropriate presentations and learning resources.
Please note that no food will be provided for this short session.
Thank you.
for CtME and Learning Resources Department
Student Representative Council
International Medical University*****************************************************
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Student Representative Council
International Medical University