Wednesday, April 1, 2009

April Fools!

It wasn't even 11AM yet, and a few friends have
already tried to pull an April Fools joke on me.
Better luck next time..:-P

Jokes aside, below is a summary of the important
announcements made (inclusive of today and

1. Stethoscopes

Money collection for the purchase of the Littman
Stethoscopes have officially begun starting today.
The deadline for money collection is next Monday.
I know some may be very busy throughout the
entire week and there are also those that go back
home on the weekends, so I hope by extending the
deadline until after the weekend it will make things
more convenient for some of you all.

Littman Stethoscope:-
Place of Purchase: Emo Bookstore
Price: RM230 (discounted price)
Colour: A choice of 11 colours, please go to Emo
Bookstore to check out the samples they
have put up on display.
Personalization: Max. 13 characters (including spacings)

2. Notepad Collection

The deadline for the notepad collection is this Friday.
To all PBL Notepad reps which I distributed the notepads
to please return the notepads and/or $$ by the deadline.
Also, Notepad reps please ensure the condition of the
returned notepads are still in a condition that is capable of
being resold. You have the right to ask the person to pay
if it is returned in unsatisfactory condition. Thank you to
several of the notepad reps who have been extremely
'graceful' in handling this situation. Some actually forked
over their own money to cover for lost notepads within their
groups. It was unnecessary but greatly appreciated. :-)

3. Academic Council (to ME students only)

For those who are still unclear of what the AC is all about,
let me briefly explain it to you here. The AC is for those
of you who are interested in voicing out your opinion on
the way things are currently being run here at IMU. It
can range anything from academic curriculum, lecturers
to even the inefficient cafeteria service (if it may apply).
In a nutshell, it is for those who not only know how to
make complaints, but those that also know how to come
up with suggestions to solve the complaints. The spots
on the AC is limited about 10 - 15 and so the fairest way
I can think of to fill these spots is to carry out a 'first-come,
first serve basis.' Anyways, for those interested come see
either Chelsea or myself.

As for DT students, there is a separate AC altogether
especially for dental students. As for how that is being
handled please refer to Vincent or Carmen for further
clarification (if needed). Thx!

4. Red & Black Thursday

I would first like to clarify this announcement which I just
made this morning. The idea of a 'dress code' 2mrw is not
in any way a campaign activity for one of the candidates.
There was a slight misunderstanding there. In any case,
I would like to say both candidates are fully capable of the
post in which they are contending for. I shall stop here
as this blog is meant to be an unbiased zone. :-)

With that clarified, the basic idea of this is that we as a
batch or at least most of us all follow a specific dress code
for just one day. The idea came from some of our batch
mates as well as seniors. So, it will be kind of interesting
to see the correlation of dressing patterns across our
entire batch 2mrw (if this activity is successful). Anyways,

Boys - Black
Girls - Red

It doesn't need to be completely one colour. Something that
resembles it will be more than enough.

Those are the announcements today, have a great

April Fool's Day!

- Eldwin

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